Growth MindSet


Growth Mindset
Source: Teach2Teacher (Twitter) 

The videos were very informative! It's instinctual for me to follow the Fixed Mindset rather than the Growth Mindset due to my upbringing and the educational institutions I went through before university. There was always more weight on final grades rather than growth. I've noticed in university that's changed up a bit. Some classes allow for Fixed and some for Growth. Hearing a professor saying, "As long as you show improvement ..." is a sign of a Growth Mindset supporting teacher. However, it's difficult to find in more technical fields where you're learning a new skill at different points in the class instead of improving on one. Also, having a son in the public school system where there's standardized testing makes for more a Fixed Mindset setting there as well.

I've noticed during my professional career in the military and my recent internship that taking a growth mindset to my tasks has made me improve my daily skills and become a more valuable employee. Remaining stagnant because it's comfortable doesn't give your brain a chance to light up. I didn't realize there was a label to this way of learning! Being aware of it will be helpful moving forward, especially with having to educate my son virtually. I'm going to try praising effort more than percentages of grades.



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