Reading Notes: The Iliad Part B


Priam and Achilles
Source: Wikipedia

Homer's Iliad by A.J. Church
Link: here

Now they were fighting for the body of Patroclus. Ajax stood strong and fast, and they heckled Hector to take the body. But Hector is wise to the fickle ways of the gods and stood back, sending the armor of Achilles to Troy. Then, in a sudden boost of pride, Hector wore Achilles' armor which angered Zeus and returned to the fray.

Achilles' great grief. The man whom he loved above all is dead. Now he's incited to revenge, even if it will mean his own death as his fate is tethered to Hector's. When one dies, so will the other. But Achilles ignores his mother's warnings to stay back and he retrieves the body with Athena's help. Hera commands the sun to set early in mourning, to end a terrible day sooner.

Hector was boosted by how well he did and had a vain hope the gods would be on his side. Refused to hide behind Troy's walls. Apollo really has it out for Achilles with the trickery (there's bad blood there). Poor Priam as a father attempted to speak some sense in his son, explaining how great a loss Hector would be to Troy. His mother too joined in, begging. But Hector was unmoved. He felt he didn't have a choice. Even contemplated returning the treasures and Helen. But he knows the killing of Patroclus was the final straw and Achilles would never rest until slaying him.

Zeus for a moment contemplated saving Hector from his fate, but his favorite daughter convinced him otherwise. Athena comes down and promises Achilles victory. She counters Apollo's aid and tricks Hector to stand his ground instead of continuing his escape.

"Men and lions make no oaths to each other."

It was when Hector realized he was tricked that he knew he was done. When Achilles finally struck, it was without mercy. Hector begged for his body not to be defiled, but Achilles' anger couldn't be quieted. Disrespected the body and dragged it behind his chariot. How terrible that Andromache had to see it. He then dragged the body daily around Patroclus' tomb.

Priam was told to reach out to Achilles. His love for his son made him unafraid of death. Brought so many treasures to buy back the body. Zeus is know for using birds and he sent this as a sign to Priam that he had his blessing. He even kissed the hands that killed his son when he arrived. Achilles was moved and even wept, thinking of his own father and Patroclus. A moment when Priam and Achilles stopped to admire each other. The respect of enemies. Ends with a pause in the war of nine days and the burial of Hector.


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