Week 8 Comments and Feedback

When it comes to feedback I've received, I feel they've been really upbeat and helpful! I was able to pinpoint some of my problem areas which included not making my text user friendly because it was too small in my images, and some recurring grammatical issues. There's also been some thought provoking questions about my story project which gave me some ideas and areas to improve, so I'm excited about that.

When I leave comments I try to not fall back on generic compliments. I read the stories, then point out the parts I really liked while explaining why I enjoyed them. I also try to ask questions to provoke and find out the motivations behind why they wrote parts in the story. I feel that development provoking questions really help the writer.

I feel I need to take initiative to check out more introduction posts. Maybe I'll use one of the comment extra credit sections to do that, because I've really enjoyed some of the stories people have written, and getting to know the writer will be an extra layer to that.

Looking forward, I'm content with my comment wall and introduction. I feel at this time the methodology behind the feedback assignments are effective, but if I notice any beneficial potential changes I'll be sure to give feedback.


Source: (cheezburger)

I feel criticism is hard to take sometimes. But in this class the comments are well-meaning and meant to help. So reading through them and finding ways to improve your writing from different people and views will be really helpful!


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