Reading Notes: King Arthur , Part A

King Arthur
Source: Charles Ernest Butler ( Wikipedia )
Title: King Arthur
Author: Andrew Lang
Link: Here
The setup painting Britain as a land that had fallen to ruin. The poor abused, the evildoer never facing justice.
Merlin demanded a meeting on Christmas Day, in the Great Church.
"Whoso pulleth out this sword is by right of birth King of England". -- the sword in the stone.
The Archbishop wanted to protect it, but the nobility wanted there to be a chance to draw it. So another day was set. New Year's Day was chosen. Arthur without a sword to give his step-brother drew it from the stone. Kay tried to take credit.
There was a refusal of the boy Arthur as king. But after attempts and months of it that fact couldn't be denied. So he was crowned.
He faced many trials that he could not have overcome with Merlin and Excalibur. He met a knight chasing a beast, and pushed that he was better at hunting it. Merlin can change his appearance. He knows all Arthur's thoughts.
"— how that your sister shall have a child who shall destroy you and all your Knights."
The Lady of the Lake gave Arthur a new sword.
"for the scabbard is worth ten of the sword, and as long as it is buckled on you you will lose no blood, however sorely you may be wounded." -- I feel showing that peace has more importance and worth than war.
Guenevere was chosen as Arthur's wife out of her beauty. In exchange, he was offered the round table. Twenty knights were picked to fill the table of 50 seats.
Merlin was made weak by a damsel of the lake. Adam & Eve mythos.
Morgan le Fay was the sister foretold to be Arthur's downfall. Magic and subterfuge.
The Holy Graal (grail?) was a pilgrimage Arthur set his mind to. Religious references of holidays with pivotal events in the story.
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